Charleston SC 2024
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Nicole & Brian Haas with Ben Johns
Ava Kusmider & Greg Dow playing Pro Mixed at the PPA Tour 2021 Orlando FL
Local Clinics & Coaches
Adult Private Group Instruction
A whole lot of FUN mixed with just a little bit of Instruction to get all your peeps started playing the Fastest Growing Sport in the USA
We provide all your equipment needed - Paddles, Balls, Nets, Coaches & Entertainment!
Book your small group with 5IVEZERO PickleBall
Courts are all over Charleston
- Mt Pleasant
- Carolina Park
- Sullivan's Island
- West Ashley
- Folly Beach
- Isle of Palms
- Back Yards
- GooseCreek
- SummerVille
- 4-7 Players
- Ladies Intro / Beginner Party
- Mens Testosterone Outing
- Mixed Coed League Starter
- Small Church Groups Sports Ministry
- Office Fun Party
- Corporate Team Building
- Really Cool Option for a Tennis Team Party
You Bring: Water / Bevs - Wear Athletic Shoes
We Bring: the Dynamite Tick.Tick.Boom -- LetsGooooooo!!
*2 Hour Window don't worry we take a lot of breaks if you need it*
**Not Really Great for a Kids Birthday, Bar-mitzvah or Bachelorette Party**
"5IVEZERO PickleBall is the Main Event"
There are tons of coaches you can hire that will take your money & babysit - but we can talk if that's what your were needing**
5IVEZERO PickleBall coaches are not responsible for rescheduling due to consumer cancellation or no shows however there are weather or court availability issues that may arise that require both parties cooperation to remedy with the understanding that Gift Certificates must be used withing designated time frames listed at time of sale or an approved transfer can be executed with consent from 5IVEZERO PickleBall as a convenience to the buyer / recipient.
(ie. at time of sale Gift Certificate was bought for person living in Charleston or coming to Charleston and recipient has moved or is no longer able to perform an athletic event due to medical emergency or injury etc.) Typical time frames are 6 months to a year from purchase as these "Special Pricing" Packages are advertised during slower seasons. We strive to execute premium customer service at the same time we have to compensate our instructors for their time.
Thanks for your consideration and cooperation.
Ladies Only Player - Development Groups
Sold out
Ladies Only Player Development Group Clinics
What type of level are you??
- 4 Player Type Levels
- Newbie / Beginner - never really played.
- Super Beginner - played games but want to have more fun!
- Beginner Mediate - getting killed but I'm trying my best!
- Advanced Intermediate - thought I was good.
- Sullivan's Island: Tues / Thur: 11 AM / 2PM
- Charleston: Fri / Sat / Sun 2 - 7P
- Mt Pleasant: Tues / Wed / Thur: TBD
- West Ashley: Mon / Wed 1-4P : TBD
- New groups start, evolve & players constantly improve
- Current groups are being developed.
- Group Clinincs are the most optimal way to become a real player after you have taken private 1 on 1 with a 5IVEZERO coach.
- Cooperative Progressive Learning
Safety on the court is number one & paramount as well as executing sound fundamentals and competitive strategies.
Couples Private Session
2 Player Private Session
*Perfect for Newer Players to Test Out the Waters & Have a Blast*
Age Ranges:
- Gen Z 16-23
- Gen Y 24-34
- Millennial 35plus
- Gen X 45-60
- Seniors 60plus
We cater the Vibe to fit your Age Range*
Included: Selkirk Sport Performance Equipment
Duration: 90 Minutes Plus
Cost: $160.00
- IntroClinic & CoachPlay Combined
- FUN Fitness Workout
- Insider Track to Advanced PickleBall Strategy
- Simply the Best Way for 2 New Players to Test the Waters
- Perfect for Non-Tennis Athletes
- Great Gift Idea
- Couples
- Siblings
- Daughter / Mom
- Father / Daughter
- Mom / Son
- Lady Friends
*Please Bring Water & Wear Decent Sneakers*
***NOT Mom's LA Gear Aerobic Shoes / VANS / Flip Flops / Slip/Ons or Chucky Taylors***
Locations / Days /Times:
Best Weekend Sessions:
Charleston (Near Airport)
- Fri / Sat / Sun
- 2P / 3P / 4P / 5P / 6P / 7P
Weekly Sessions Avail:
Sullivan's Island / IOP / West Ashley
- Tues / Wed / Thu
- 10A-1P AM Early Sessions
- 1P/ 2P / 3P / 4P / 7P PM Late Sessions
*email us for a Cool Custom Certificate you can Print/Share as a GIFT!
Player Development Clinics
Sold out
5IVEZERO Player Development Clinics
Specifically Designed to Get you Playing Real PickleBall !!
Only $39 per Player!
This is so CHEAP!!
Perfect for AdvancedBeginners / BeginnerMediates
This is not another IntroClinic
Topics Covered:
- Soft Game
- Feed & Trap
- Drops
- Deep Returns
- Deep Serves
- Rapid Speed Situations
- Advanced Strategy
- Actual Game / Coach Play
- 60 Min
- No Joke
- Think Before You Dink
Book It with the Best - 5IVEZERO PickleBall
- Mon / Tues / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
- 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P
Sullivans Island, Isle Of Palms, West Ashley, Charleston SC
Dos Amigos - 2 Player Private Session
2 Player Private Session
*Perfect for 2 Newer Players to Test Out the Waters & Have a Blast*
Age Ranges:
- Gen Z 16-23
- Gen Y 24-34
- Millennial 35-50
- Gen Xer 50-60
- Senior 60-75
We cater the Vibe to fit your Age Range.
Included: Selkirk Sport Performance Equipment
Duration: 60+ Minutes
- IntroClinic & CoachPlay Combined
- FUN Fitness Workout
- Insider Track to Advanced PickleBall Strategy
- Simply the Best Way for 2 New Players to Test the Waters
- Perfect for Non-Tennis Athletes
- Great Gift Idea
*Please Bring Water & Wear Decent Sneakers * Hard Court Playing Surface *
***NO LA Gear Type Retro Aerobic Shoes / VANS or Chuck Taylors***
Winter Sessions Avail:
West Ashley Sullivan's Island Charleston Mt Pleasant SC
Days: Tues / Wed / Thu
- 11A - 1P
- 1P 2P 3P 4P
All Day Weekends
- Fri / Sat / Sun
- 1P - 8P
*email us for a Cool Custom Certificate you can Print & Send!
Team Build Party Outing
Only a few left!
Private Corporate Session
*Perfect for Newer Players to Test Out the Waters & Have a Blast*
Demos Included: Selkirk Sport Performance Equipment
Duration: 90 Minutes
- IntroClinic & CoachPlay Combined
- FUN Drills to Compress the Learning Curve
- Team Building
- Simply the Best Way for a multi-group of New Players
*Please Bring Water & Wear Decent Sneakers * Hard Court Playing Surface *
***NO LA Gear Type Retro Aerobic Shoes / VANS or Chuck Taylors***
Sessions Avail: Days & Times
Thur / Fri
2P - 4P
*email us for a Cool Custom Certificate Invite you can Print & Send!
Employee Engagement
These Pickleball events are a fun way to boost the health and wellness of your employees, get them out of the office for an engaging activity, and provide a fun and competitive team building experience.
These outings are designed to improve engagement, support overall employee wellness and increase camaraderie.
Family Fun PickleBall Lessons
A whole lot of FUN mixed with just a little bit of Instruction to get all your peeps started playing the Fastest Growing Sport in the USA
We provide all your equipment needed - Paddles, Balls, Nets, Coaches & Entertainment!
Book your small group with 5IVEZERO PickleBall today.
Courts are all over Charleston & Surrounding Areas.
Charleston Mt Pleasant Sullivan Island West Ashley Folly Beach IOP
- Family of 3 / 4 Players
- Mom / Dad / GrandPa / MeeMa / Sister / Uncle / Bro
- The Twins / Johnny.Football / Neighbor.Bob
- Get Ready to Have Some Fun!!
- Great Holiday Gift Idea
You Bring: Water for your Peeps
Wear Athletic Shoes Please No Flops
We Bring: the Dynamite & All the Gear you need
Tick.Tick.Boom -- LetsGooooooo!!
MicroLeagues™ Citadel mall 2018
History of Charleston SC PickleBall
Official Paddle Partner
Selkirk Sport Gear
local media
ABC News 4 SPorts with Scott Eisberg Charleston SC
It's pickle ball..... in the (Citadel) Mall. Yep.
— Scott Eisberg (@SEisbergWCIV) June 22, 2018